Moving to Work (MTW)

Boulder Housing Partners is one of a select group of public housing authorities in the United States participating in the prestigious Moving to Work (MTW) program, allowing flexibility and innovation in programming and use of federal funds.

What is Moving to Work?

Moving to work (MTW) is an initiative through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that enables public housing authorities (PHAs) to create and test innovations in the Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs. Innovations are designed to help residents move towards self-sufficiency, to increase housing choices for low-income families, and to boost the cost-effectiveness of the program.
MTW provides Boulder Housing Partners the opportunity to combine our expertise in affordable housing with an entrepreneurial approach to enhance opportunities in our community.

How it Works

Each year we complete an Annual MTW Plan with new proposed activities to improve upon programming that is submitted to HUD for approval. At the end of each year, we submit an Annual Report on the outcomes achieved for all the approved and implemented activities. HUD evaluates findings across all the MTW agencies to determine which ones may be beneficial to expand to all Housing Authorities nationwide.

MTW Since 2011

Since 2011, we have taken part in this demonstration program seeking new ways to improve upon Boulder Housing Partners’ programming as well as HUD rules nationwide.

Successful MTW activities

Successfully renovated over 275 public housing apartments by combining MTW flexibilities with HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program through Project Renovate. We additionally developed or remodeled community centers at four of these communities, which support innovative Bringing School Home programming for children and families;

Leveraged funds to add 26 units of affordable housing to our inventory along with 5+ acres of land for future affordable home development;

Streamlined the recertification and home inspection process for all of our voucher holders and removed disincentives to increase income; and

Implemented other activities to increase housing choices and use federal dollars more effectively.

2025 Moving to Work Annual Plan

BHP is pleased to announce that HUD approved our 2025 Moving to Work Annual Plan on December 16, 2024, after a few requested changes were made.

The 2025 MTW Annual Plan includes:

The following amendments to current activities:

  1. Activity 2012 – 4: alignment with HUD’s new asset limit upon admission to the program, while continuing to exclude income from all assets less than the limit.
  2. Activity 2016 – 6: adjusting the utility allowance schedule to include three tiers.
  3. Activity 2016 – 6: updating the income tier and rent chart for work-abled families, along with the methodology used to update on an annual basis

Two new activities:

  1. Activity 2025 – 1: Student financial assistance in excess of tuition will now be excluded from household income.
  2. Activity 2025 – 2: Security deposit loan fund has been expanded to all voucher holders, and also includes an option to borrow up to $500 for moving expenses

Please reach out to Karen Brunnemer at or 720-564-4631 with any comments or questions.

Prior MTW Plans and Reports