Overnight, the Boulder County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) lifted evacuation orders for several neighbhoods in Boulder for the NCAR fire. Residents living at Tantra Lake Apartments, Bridgewalk and High Mar may return home and are encouraged to remain vigilant for any additional news.  Please continue to watch their website for updates (https://www.boulderoem.com/emergency-status/).  You can also find a link on their website to sign up for emergency messages: https://member.everbridge.net/453003085612231/login.


March 26, 2022:

For BHP residents in the evacuation area at Tantra Lake Apartments, Bridgewalk and High Mar:

Updates on the fire can be found at Boulder OEM: https://www.boulderoem.com/emergency-status/

The Public information call center is also open through 11 p.m. today, 3/26, at 303-413-7730.

To view the updated map of the evacuation area, visit https://bouldercounty.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=13ab214fe2bb4da5a850df0ca0f00fc5

Evacuation Center: The East Boulder Community Center, 5660 Sioux Drive, is now open as an evacuation point. Evacuees are invited to go there for more information and resources. Household pets are welcome. Emergency personnel will determine shelter needs as the situation unfolds.

Transportation Assistance: Transportation assistance is available through VIA. Via is available to provide bus service to the evacuation point for anyone who needs it. Community members may call Lisa Bitzer at 303-725-4160 to request this service.

Firefighters and airdrop support are actively fighting the fire. Please continue to watch the Boulder OEM website for updates on the fire and evacuation orders.