¿Qué tipo de alquiler puedo alquilar?
Voucher holders find their own rentals for their approved household size. Assistance can be used in Boulder County in rentals such as apartment communities, townhomes, and individually owned houses. [...]
Voucher holders find their own rentals for their approved household size. Assistance can be used in Boulder County in rentals such as apartment communities, townhomes, and individually owned houses. [...]
La política sobre animales de compañía la determina el propietario del alquiler como parte del contrato de arrendamiento.
Yes. The program is designed so that you can have a choice of where you’d like to live and not lose your housing assistance. Please contact a Housing Assistance [...]
No, rental assistance does not expire for households living in approved rentals who continue to be eligible and are in good standing with their lease and Boulder Housing Partners. [...]
If you currently have a voucher or your lottery number was randomly selected in the lottery and you are awaiting processing, please submit any contact information changes to us in [...]
Los vales pueden transferirse de otro lugar a Boulder Housing Partners. Para más información, póngase en contacto con portability@boulderhousing.org o (720) 564-4630.
No, there are additional agencies that administer Housing Choice Vouchers in Boulder County. You can contact the Boulder County Housing and Human Services or the Longmont Housing Authority for additional information. [...]
Nos alegramos de que esté aquí. Visita nuestro Landlord Hub para conocer todos los detalles.
Llame al (720) 564-4630 o email hcv@boulderhousing.org. Estamos aquí para ayudarle.
Los formularios para nuestros actuales participantes en el programa Housing Choice Voucher pueden encontrarse aquí.